PodCamp Toronto is Canada’s largest gath­er­ing of creative, tech, and dig­i­tal pro­fes­sion­als. We wel­come a diverse group of par­tic­i­pants to share knowl­edge, learn and strive to make our­selves and our com­mu­nity bet­ter!
Learn More About PodCamp Toronto
Feb. 22nd - 23rd 2014
Ryerson University Rogers Communication Centre


Unlike a conventional conference, at a PodCamp anyone can step up and get involved as a presenter; all you need to do is apply with your idea! You don't need to be an expert -- some of the best presentations are nothing more than a circle of chairs and some great discussions! All you need is enthusiasm.


Want to help out and get a sweet t-shirt? Every hand makes a difference and PodCamp is built by each of us.

Apply Now


Located steps away from the heart of Toronto, The Rogers Communications Centre at Ryerson University is Canada's premier facility for education in converging communications and interactive media and has be host to PodCamp Toronto for 8 years. This year will be no different.

Join us at the #PCTO14 Sat night after party!

Feb 22, 2014

Feeling energized after a day of sessions? You need to burn that energy. Join us at our annual Saturday evening after party. There’s free food. And booze! This year’s party will once again be at Lou Dawg’s (@LouDawgsRyerson), located at 78 Gerrard Street East, just one block north of the Rogers Communications Centre where #PCTO14 […]

Wi-Fi instructions

Feb 22, 2014

We know you’re going to want to keep connected so you can share your #PCTO14 experience with the world. Well, that’s mainly why, right? Whatever the case, here are the deets to get set up on Ryerson’s Wi-Fi for the weekend: 1. Launch your Wi-Fi settings and search for wireless networks 2. Locate the “RU-Secure” […]

PodCamp Toronto community partners

Feb 22, 2014

PodCamp Toronto connects with people and organizations in the community that have similar values and reach similar audiences, and is fortunate to benefit from their support in spreading the word about our event. Attracting great attendees and speakers is ultimately what makes PodCamp Toronto awesome, and they’ve gone out of their way to help us […]

@ChevroletCanada wants to help you Find New Foods

Feb 21, 2014

Long-time PodCamp Toronto supporter @ChevroletCanada is always finding ways to provide our attendees with added value. Above and beyond providing us with dollars to help us put on a killer free event, this year they wanted to make sure that our attendees can find great options for lunch and post PCTO eats. As such, they’ve […]

The brands that are bringing you #PCTO14 (Gold sponsors)

Feb 21, 2014

As you know, PodCamp Toronto is a free event. The organizing committee volunteers their time, of course, but we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our sponsors. There are, after all, a number of costs associated with putting together a weekend long event. With that in mind, we wanted to take a moment […]

The brands that are bringing you #PCTO14 (Silver sponsors)

Feb 21, 2014

As you know, Pod­Camp Toronto is a free event. The orga­niz­ing com­mit­tee vol­un­teers their time, of course, but we couldn’t pull it off with­out the sup­port of our spon­sors. There are, after all, a num­ber of costs asso­ci­ated with putting together a week­end long event. With that in mind, we wanted to take a moment […]

Why I’m volunteering for and attending #PCTO14 (a guest post by Yan Zhou)

Feb 19, 2014

This is a guest post writ­ten by Yan Zhou. Yan completed her undergrad at West­ern Uni­ver­sity and is currently pursuing a post-graduate in Corporate Communications at Seneca College. She is graduating in August and is eager to start an exciting career in PR.  Find her on LinkedIn and Twitter.    Why I’m volunteering for and attending #PCTO14 – Two-day […]

Who’s behind #PCTO14?

Feb 18, 2014

Did you know that PodCamp Toronto is organized entirely by volunteers? It’s true. Our core organizing committee is a small team of dedicated peeps from TO’s digital community who, with support from our incredible sponsors, work hard to put together an exciting and valuable unconference experience for our attendees. Without someone to put all the […]

3 reasons you should be at PodCamp Toronto Feb 22 & 23

Jan 31, 2014

 The things you’ll learn PodCamp Toronto attracts a crowd that’s as diverse as it is skilled and knowledgeable. Presenters bring real world experience and fresh, leading edge ideas on a wide-range of topics. Some examples include: content marketing, measurement and analytics, search and SEO, blogging and blog design, all aspects of podcasting,  mobile app design […]